The Church of Christ in Green Cove Springs is a small group of dedicated Christians. We strive to glorify God in our worship, our work and our daily lives. We enjoy spending time in fellowship and developing strong Christian bonds with one another. We are a growing, friendly church. In fact, that is the impression most visitors take from their visit. We are a diverse congregation that reflects the fact that God shows no favoritism. The audience will range in age from newborn babies (a nursery and children’s church is available), to those who have seen more than eighty years pass. Professionally, there are those from all walks of life. One member of our congregation Brenda Poarch, is the author of Ladies Bible study books and an inspirational speaker for women. You can visit her website where she has free bible inspired video lessons (intended for ladies only) at .
Some may feel a little apprehensive about visiting a church the first time. Let us ease that feeling by explaining a little about how the services are conducted. Every effort is made to allow visitors to feel comfortable. You will not be asked to make a “love offering”, in fact, no collection will be taken at all except during the 11:00 a.m. Sunday services when our members make their weekly offering as an act of worship. As a visitor, you are not expected to give an offering.
We have several classes
Sunday Morning Bible Study 10:00 AM to 10:45 AM
Adult class taught by different men of the congregation
Children classes split into age groups
Ladies class
Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 AM to 12:00 N
During the service, Prayers are offered by different men of the church to seek God’s face, to pray for those who need His power and forgiveness, and to praise His greatness. See I Timothy 2:8.
Songs are always sung without instruments being used because that was the practice of the early church. See Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16.
The taking of communion is done as a memorial to Jesus our Lord. We celebrate this each Sunday. See (Acts 20:7). This memorial is for Christians. Each individual determines his/her participation. See I Corinthians 11:23-29.
The contribution of the saints is taken up each Sunday, See I Corinthians 16: 1, 2. This is a collection from our church family. Again, as a visitor, you are not expected to give an offering.
The lesson is usually given by Claude McEldowney, or in his absence one of the brothers will speak. You are encouraged to follow along in your Bible or one of the Bibles in the pew racks. Listen carefully, proving all things from the Word. This is never insulting to us – we demand Biblical proof for all we preach and practice. See Acts 17:11.
At the end of the sermon, the Lord’s invitation is extended for any who would like to respond. The service concludes with a song and a closing prayer.
Afternoon Service 2:30 PM: This service has the same structure as the earlier service often an expansion on the earlier service topic.
There is also a 4:30 PM online ladies bible class Sundays at 4:30.